About Circlebet

CircleBet is Australia’s only peer-to-peer social and ethical betting platform. 



MVP Partnership

Technology used

Flutter, PHP, Laravel


Brand Guideline, Mobile App, Admin Portal, Figma Screens

Project Overview

Pioneering social betting by combining user-driven sports betting with social media, CircleBet is an online social betting services firm that offers a unique and customized betting service. The client approached Ontik Technology seeking to create a groundbreaking platform that seamlessly integrated social interaction with sports betting.

Project Scope

  • Developing a comprehensive brand guideline for CircleBet
  • Developing a wireframe and UI
  • Full App built for cross platform

App Features

  • Betting Module: Users can create and participate in bets for upcoming matches, with defined bet states for easy tracking.
  • Matchmaking and Counter Bets: The app implements a matchmaking system, merging identical counter bets to enhance user engagement.
  • Results and Statistics: A dedicated section provides insights into resolved bets, including total bets and winning amounts.
  • Marketplace for Bets: Users access a user-friendly bet marketplace with filtering options based on team names, amounts, odds, and resolved days.
  • User Account Management: The app offers a comprehensive user account system allowing credit conversion, password changes, and viewing bet history.
  • Badges, Awards, and Leaderboard: Gamification elements include badges and awards based on specific criteria, displayed on a dynamic leaderboard.
  • Social Circle and Notifications: Users can form social circles for connections, send invitation links, and receive notifications for game interactions and news.
  • Communication and Chat: A chat feature facilitates user interaction, bet acceptance, and communication on accepted and invited bets.

Process Flow

  • Conducted a comprehensive analysis of CircleBet’s vision and objectives, taking into account their unique concept of merging social interaction with sports betting.
  • Selected the appropriate technologies for developing the MVP, POC, app, backend, Ui, and frontend to ensure a robust and scalable platform.
  • Collaborated to develop the MVP and POC, design the Ui, and create the necessary backend infrastructure to support the social betting concept.
  • Crafted a brand guideline that captured CircleBet’s identity, ensuring consistency in their visual and messaging elements.
  • Rigorous testing at each stage to guarantee a bug-free and high-quality platform to provide a seamless user experience.

Project Results

  • The creation of a CircleBet brand guideline contributed to a strong and recognizable brand identity.
  • CircleBet’s MVP is ready for market and is well-positioned for future growth and expansion, as it continues to attract users who seek a unique social and interactive sports betting experience.

      *figures as of 2023

Case studies (Cont.)


Ontik Technology and Checkbox’s 5-year partnership created a game-changing Freecommerce platform with triple digit revenue growth.


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