Discover our industry-standard development processes, carefully crafted and modified to turn to fit your team's culture and development needs. The right process will turn your ideas into advanced software solutions.

Agile Scrum

Agile is a way of working on software that focuses a lot on making customers happy. It’s like a flexible set of rules that helps us develop software better. The main idea is to keep getting better and making progress in small steps. With Agile, we pay a lot of attention to what customers want and we keep improving as we go along. It’s not just a method, but more like a normal way we do things in our projects. This helps our teams not only meet customer needs but also be quick in adapting to changes in software development.

Best Practices

Continuous integration and deployment

Employ CI/CD pipelines for rapid and reliable releases.

Feedback loops

Establish regular feedback loops with stakeholders and users.

Automated testing

Implement automated testing when possible for faster, more reliable test execution.

Test-driven development

Adopt test-driven development for robust and error-free code.

Code modularity

Ensure the codebase remains modular and maintainable.

Code refactoring

Regularly refactor code to improve its structure and readability.


DevOps is like a super helpful way of working that brings together software development and IT operations. It’s like an endless cycle that helps teams work closely and be super productive. DevOps is key when we want to quickly and continuously deliver software. It’s all about breaking down walls between development and operations teams, so everyone works together smoothly. This way, we create a united and step-by-step way of doing things throughout the whole software development process. DevOps encourages teamwork and communication, getting rid of delays, making processes simpler, and improving how we build and release software.

Best Practices

Continuous integration and deployment

Employ CI/CD pipelines for rapid and reliable releases.

Monitoring and logging

Implement monitoring and logging to track system performance and issues.

Automated testing

Automate the deployment pipeline to facilitate rapid releases.


Rapid Application Development (RAD) is a way of making software quickly by using step-by-step models and getting feedback from users all the time. It’s great for projects where the requirements are not clear or keep changing a lot. RAD is all about being flexible and adapting fast to what the project needs. The development team makes prototype versions of the software in quick cycles and shows them to users for feedback. This loop of getting feedback helps make sure the software matches what users want. It’s super handy in places where the requirements might not stay the same or change a lot.

Best Practices

Modular design

Adopt a modular design approach for easy changes and adaptations.

Flexible planning

Makes it easier to pivot, and adapt to changing requirements.

User-centric development

Adjust development based on user research and insights.

Automated testing and integration

Implement automated testing and continuous integration for quality assurance.

How Its Work

Our Process Life Cycle

Step 1

Requirements submission

Share your project specifics, including desired skills, experience, and project details. Our team then customizes the search to match your needs precisely.

Step 2


Wireframing serves as the foundation for exceptional product design. Concentrating on layout and user navigation, we craft user-centric designs that align with your users' expectations.

Step 3

Ul Design

Our User Interface (UI) Design is the heart of a standout custom software solution. We prioritize creating visually appealing and intuitive interfaces that not only meet functional requirements but also elevate the overall user experience.

Step 4

Technical Document

Technical documentation is where DevWeb excels in providing detailed project documentation upon completion. Our commitment is to furnish comprehensive technical insights, facilitating a thorough understanding of the project's architecture, functionality, and key aspects. We ensure that the project's technical documentation aligns perfectly with your project's specifications and offers valuable insights for future reference.

Step 5

Developing And Testing

Our Development and Testing processes ensure the Quality and Functionality of Your Custom Software. We follow industry best practices and standards in development, and our rigorous testing phase guarantees a defect-free final product that fulfills the requirements outlined during the design phase.

Real-Time Progress Monitoring

We keep our clients engaged and informed through our shared task management tool. Clients can effortlessly track to-dos, tasks in progress, and completed assignments and identify any issues at any given moment. We use the most popular monitoring and reporting tools (eg. Jira) to keep the stakeholders updated.

our expertise

Choose Your Stack And We'll Deliver

Frontend and Backend Technologies

Node JS


Spring Boot

React JS



Vue JS


Go Lang


Ruby on Rails

AWS Lambda

Android, IOS and Cross-platform technologies

Android Native


IOS Native



React Native

Data Science, Data Visualization, Big Data technologies


Power BI





Power BI



Microsoft Dynamic 365

Oracle Cloud ERP

Infrastructure, Architecture, Deployment

Google Cloud

AWS Cloud

Azure Cloud

SQL and NoSQL database




Microsoft SQL Server


Maria DB
