
Chippit is a platform that enables users to pool money together for shared financial goals and we helped them with engineer sourcing and consultation.


My Fitmate app lets users subscribe to a country-wide network of gyms through a subscription. We helped them launch their MVP from the ground up and launch


CircleBet is a p2p social betting app without the control of big betting houses. DevWeb has helped them build and launch their app through technical and branding consultation.

Startup Stories and Clients

Business and financial consultancy company.

Australian Fintech startup revolutionizing 'Buy Now Pay Later' service to the mass.

Binah is a AI powered health tech startup.

Tech solutions for stores and online shops streamlining operations.

Growth Engine is an online platform that offers flexible growth solutions for businesses.


Baresop offers eco-friendly skin and body care products made from organic, plant-based ingredients.


BridgerPay Automate ALL payment flows with a codeless, unified platform. Scale your payments, insights, and revenue effortlessly.


TeCare offers an intelligent monitoring product designed to support elderly citizens in maintaining an independent living environment.

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